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Jerry Barnes: Interior Decorator

Musician Jerry Barnes performs during GRAMMY Pro Art of the Craft
Musician Jerry Barnes performs during GRAMMY Pro Art of the Craft from www.gettyimages.co.uk

Designing Your Dream Bedroom

Dream Bedroom

When it comes to designing a bedroom, it's important to create a space that promotes relaxation and comfort. The design approach for this type of room should be centered around creating a tranquil environment that is personalized to your tastes and preferences. With that said, let's dive into some design ideas for your dream bedroom.

Color Scheme

Color Scheme

The color scheme is one of the most critical elements of any room design. In a bedroom, it's essential to choose colors that promote a sense of calm and relaxation. Soft, neutral tones like beige, cream, and light gray are excellent choices for bedroom walls. You can also bring in pops of color through bedding, curtains, and accent pieces to add some personality to the room.

Furniture Placement

Furniture Placement

When it comes to furniture placement, it's important to create a functional layout that maximizes space and creates a relaxing atmosphere. Start with the bed, which should be the focal point of the room. Consider placing it against the longest wall to create a sense of openness. Next, add a dresser or chest of drawers for storage, and a nightstand on each side of the bed for convenience.


Bedroom Lighting

Lighting is another crucial element to consider when designing a bedroom. Soft, warm lighting is perfect for creating a cozy atmosphere. Consider adding a dimmer switch to your overhead light so you can adjust the brightness as needed. You can also add bedside lamps on each nightstand for extra lighting and convenience.

Decorative Options

Bedroom Decor

Finally, let's talk about decorative options. Adding artwork, throw pillows, and other accent pieces can help bring your personality and style into the room. Consider adding a statement piece like a large piece of artwork above the bed, or a cozy rug on the floor. Just be careful not to clutter the space, as too many decorative items can feel overwhelming.


Designing your dream bedroom can be an exciting process, but it's important to keep comfort and relaxation in mind. By choosing a soothing color scheme, functional furniture placement, soft lighting, and tasteful decor, you can create a space that promotes restful sleep and relaxation.

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