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Raising Backyard Turkeys: Interior Decorator'S Theme And Design Approach

Raising Backyard Turkeys for Meat Backyard Poultry
Raising Backyard Turkeys for Meat Backyard Poultry from backyardpoultry.iamcountryside.com


Raising Backyard Turkeys

If you're considering raising backyard turkeys, congratulations! Not only are these birds a great source of protein, but they can also be a joy to raise. However, before you start building coops and buying feed, it's important to consider the space and design of your setup. As an interior decorator, I can provide some suggestions on how to make your turkey-raising space both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for your birds.


Country Farmhouse Decor

The theme for your turkey-raising space should be country farmhouse. This theme is perfect for a backyard setup, as it emphasizes a rustic, cozy feel. To achieve this theme, you'll want to focus on natural materials and earthy colors.

Color Scheme

Neutral Color Palette

Your color scheme should be neutral, with shades of brown, beige, and green. These colors will complement the natural materials used in your turkey-raising space, such as wood and stone. You can add pops of color with accessories like feeders and waterers, but keep the overall color scheme muted.

Furniture Placement

Poultry Coops

The furniture in your turkey-raising space will be mostly functional, but that doesn't mean it can't be arranged in an aesthetically pleasing way. Your coops should be the focal point of the space, arranged in a neat row or circle. You can add hay bales or wooden benches for seating, but make sure they're placed in a way that doesn't obstruct the view of the coops.

Decorative Options

Rooster Decor

There are plenty of decorative options that will enhance the country farmhouse theme of your turkey-raising space. Consider adding rooster decor, such as wall art or figurines, to bring in some personality. You can also add potted plants or hanging baskets to add some greenery to the space. Just make sure any decorations you add are safe for your turkeys and won't become a hazard.


Raising backyard turkeys can be a rewarding experience, and with the right design approach, your turkey-raising space can be both functional and aesthetically pleasing. With a focus on the country farmhouse theme, neutral colors, functional furniture placement, and tasteful decorations, you'll have a space that you and your turkeys will love. Happy raising!

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