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Barnes And Noble App Store: An Interior Decorating Theme

Barnes & Noble Nook 'App Store' reaches 1 million downloads Android
Barnes & Noble Nook 'App Store' reaches 1 million downloads Android from www.androidcentral.com

The Concept

The Barnes and Noble App Store theme is all about creating a cozy and comfortable space that promotes relaxation and leisure. The design approach should focus on creating a warm atmosphere that encourages the user to sit back, read and browse through the vast collection of books available in the store.

The Color Scheme

The color scheme for the Barnes and Noble App Store theme should be warm and inviting. Earthy tones such as brown, beige, and cream should dominate the color palette. These colors create a relaxed and peaceful atmosphere, perfect for browsing through books and reading. Accents of green and blue can be added to the color scheme to create a touch of freshness and liveliness.

Furniture Placement

The furniture in the Barnes and Noble App Store should be arranged in a way that promotes comfort and relaxation. Comfortable sofas and armchairs should be scattered throughout the space, allowing customers to sit and read for as long as they want. The furniture should be arranged in a way that creates cozy nooks and corners where customers can retreat and immerse themselves in their books.


The lighting in the Barnes and Noble App Store should be soft and warm. Warm white lights should be used to create a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. Table lamps and floor lamps can be used to create pools of light around seating areas, adding to the cozy and inviting feel of the space.

Decorative Options

The decorative options for the Barnes and Noble App Store should be simple and elegant. Large bookshelves should be used as a decorative feature, filled with books of various genres and authors. Artwork and posters featuring famous authors and book quotes can be used to add a touch of personality to the space. Plants and flowers can be used to add a touch of freshness and liveliness to the space.


The Barnes and Noble App Store theme is all about creating a cozy and comfortable space where customers can relax, browse through books and read to their heart's content. By using warm colors, comfortable furniture, soft lighting and simple decorations, the space can be transformed into a warm and inviting haven for book lovers.

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