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Interior Decorating Tips: Designing A Bedroom

Bed Bugs Easy Ways To Get Them Out!
Bed Bugs Easy Ways To Get Them Out! from guidelineshealth.com

Bed Bugs: How Do You Get Them?

Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are tiny, oval-shaped insects that feed on human blood. They are attracted to warm environments and usually hide during the day. Bed bugs can be found in mattresses, bed frames, and other furniture. They can also hide in cracks and crevices in walls and floors.

Bed bugs can be easily transported from one place to another through luggage, clothing, and furniture. They can also be picked up from other people's homes, hotels, and public transportation.

To avoid getting bed bugs, it is important to inspect your surroundings when traveling and to take precautions when buying used furniture. If you do notice bed bugs in your home, it is best to call a professional exterminator to get rid of them.

The Theme: Modern Rustic

Modern Rustic Bedroom

The modern rustic theme is a perfect blend of contemporary and traditional styles. It combines sleek, modern elements with natural, rustic materials to create a cozy, yet sophisticated look. This theme is perfect for a bedroom as it creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere that promotes relaxation and restful sleep.

Color Scheme

Modern Rustic Bedroom Color Scheme

The modern rustic color scheme is typically made up of earthy tones such as browns, grays, and greens. These colors create a calming, natural atmosphere that is perfect for a bedroom. To add a touch of modern flair, you can also incorporate bold accent colors such as navy blue or burnt orange.

Furniture Placement

Modern Rustic Bedroom Furniture

When it comes to furniture placement in a modern rustic bedroom, it's important to keep things simple and uncluttered. Start by placing the bed in the center of the room with a nightstand on either side. If you have space, you can also add a dresser or chest of drawers against one wall. To add a touch of rustic charm, consider incorporating natural wood elements such as a wooden headboard or reclaimed wood accent wall.

Decorative Options

Modern Rustic Bedroom Decor

When it comes to decorative options for a modern rustic bedroom, less is more. Instead of cluttering the space with knick-knacks and accessories, focus on incorporating a few key pieces that add visual interest and texture. For example, you can hang a large piece of artwork above the bed or add a cozy throw blanket and textured pillows to the bed. You can also incorporate natural elements such as plants or a woven rug to add warmth and texture to the space.


The modern rustic theme is a great way to create a cozy, inviting bedroom that promotes restful sleep. By incorporating natural materials, earthy tones, and simple, uncluttered furniture, you can create a space that feels warm and welcoming. Whether you're starting from scratch or just looking to give your bedroom a makeover, the modern rustic theme is a great place to start.

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